The confident woman
Ask the confident woman you know, “What has been the cost?” She’ll tell you stories. For every confident woman I’ve met, there are stories of needing to face the undermining behaviors of others. In today’s podcast episode, I’m asking all of us to consider how we undermine our own confidence...and how we contribute, inadvertently, to undermining the confidence of others. Confidence isn’t false bravado. It has deep roots.
The courage to change the world
Our personal courage is directly impacted by the systems we live in, which is why we must practice the courage to change the world. Trying to pretend that those news headlines don’t exist, is just a form of trying to out-run fear.
Do you really want change
Do you really want things to change? Really? Sometimes, we confuse “wanting things to change” with “wanting to be supported in the difficulties I am facing.” The two are similar in some ways, but different. Today's podcast episode shares how.
Process your experience
To process your experience is to say to the thing that has arisen, “I’ll examine you, and dance with you, and see what’s here.” Processing your experience through letting out sadness, anger, anxiety before they can become pent-up, is a way of being with all of it. It gets you un-stuck from fear, and aligns you with your courage. In today's podcast episode, you'll learn how to start to process your experience rather than feel like life is constantly coming at you.