Embracing who you are
When others are uncomfortable with themselves, they’ll hide themselves--and ask us to do the same. But we don’t have to play into that pattern. In this episode, I’m talking about embracing who you are, despite the possibility of others criticizing.
Choosing drama
It can be good to check in, now and again: when it comes to your self-help, is it possible that profound shifts could come from simple answers, and you’re over-complicating it? In other words, are you choosing drama?
How will you let it define you?
It’s long bothered me that in the self-help space, people declare that we simply can choose how we let something define ourselves, and leave it at that. Today, I’m talking about how to not let things define you--without the side of spiritual bypass.
You are allowed to have a process
Often, we know what we “should” do, but something holds us back--the need to have a process with what we experience. You’re allowed to have a process. You’re allowed to take a breath, hesitate, fully feel what you need to feel before you do what you “should.” Today’s podcast digs in to that.