Develop a daily practice
Skipping a daily practice is like saying, “I have the option to do something to improve my happiness and well-being, but hey, I won’t take it.” When you feed yourself emotionally, the healthier and stronger you are. We live in a world where people suffer emotionally in greater numbers than ever before, and it is no crime to create ways to build your emotional resilience. That’s what a daily practice does for your life—it builds that emotional resilience. In today’s podcast episode, learn how to build a powerful daily practice.
Best books on habits
The Courage Habit has been named one of the best books on habits by Book Riot! I'm totally honored for the mention. Here's who else made the list.
Habits to reduce anxiety
Anxiety is just...another name for fear. There are three specific habits you can shift to start feeling more “anxiety resilient” in general, and you can also lean on these habits to reduce anxiety when it hits. I’ll warn you: these habits are *deceptively* simple, so most people write them off. The research, however, showing that these habits are effective habits to reduce anxiety, is extensive--you definitely want to gut check whether or not you need to look at these habits in your own life.
"I'm DONE!" and creating conscious joy
How reaching the moment when you say "I'm DONE!" can propel you into creating conscious joy (and courageous movement in your life).