The law of gradual progress
How often are we respecting the Law of Gradual Progress, vs. how often are we insisting that life bends to our will, and the lesson/insight/transformation comes when we want it to come? Change happens in micro-movements. It’s important--critical--not to underestimate micro-movements.
Recognizing patterns when you see life repeating itself
Sometimes, we see life repeating itself and we ask ourselves how we can start recognizing the patterns, so that we won't keep making the same mistakes. So let's get started, seeing what it is that these habits and life patterns are trying to show us. If you can find out where the habits are in place, you might see a connection and realize why life repeats itself and what you need to learn.
Commitment & accountability
So you want to know: How can I do something, say I'm going to do it, and then see it through? How can I practice true commitment & accountability? You commit. And then you are accountable.