Got expectations?
We've all got expectations. When I attach to my expectations--when I am attached to a specific result and get all spun out when people/circumstances outside my control don't adhere to those expectations--then I’m setting myself up to suffer. So, do you have expectations?
Carl Rogers on relationship
I've written about Carl Rogers before, but today, I had to share this quote on relationships. Not just your relationships with others, but you also have to take a look at your relationship with yourself.
A more outward expression
I am super self-conscious about being photographed, so there was more than a moment of hesitation. But I had so. much. fun. on this day with In Her Image. It is only after having done the shoot that I see something else--a more outward expression of who I am.
The fear of leaving a relationship
Leaving relationships when the going got tough was my default, my modus operandi. It wasn’t courage, though--it was my armor; my protection. One of the things I practice as much as possible is to BE my journey. In the midst of my fear, I’d temporarily forgotten that which I hold dear: to be present to my choices, moment to moment.