Ending the war: stop hating yourself
When you make your inner critic into your enemy, you make yourself into an enemy, and the war within will rage on, and on, and on, and it will wear you down in the process. It's time to stop hating yourself and listen to your inner critic, it will be the first step to ending the war within.
The manipulation of the work
It's critically important that as you begin to do personal work, you notice when you might (unintentionally) start to manipulate the work. Using "I need to speak my truth" to put someone down, offer unsolicited advice, judge others, or tear into someone's character is a manipulation of the work.
Maybe it's just...biochemical
When you get into self-help, you can spend a lot of time (and money) sorting through your “issues.” Maybe you don’t need more inner work. Maybe it’s just...biochemical.
How "faux fear" might be fauxing up your life
"Faux-fear"? What's that? That fear is a distinct feeling, known in the moment it is felt, and that it only shows up in that one way. Here is how "faux fear" might be fauxing up your life.