The grumpy place
I wrote a bit ago about "the happy place." For the past week, I have noticed myself existing in "the grumpy place." I used to not understand why these moods would come upon me. Now I get why these times happen--it's a buildup of negative emotions that I'm not releasing in a healthy way, combined with not enough self-care.
This moment, now
Sometimes we are too focused on changes that are coming that we forget to be present in this moment, now.
The courageous year: an update
I am giddy and so excited for what this year will bring for myself and the people participating in the Courageous Year. I see something so bold and beautiful and COURAGEOUS about all of this.
A simple shift
Where do you get stuck thinking that the only way you can be happy is to completely overhaul your life? Sometimes, a simple shift is all it takes.