Your most courageous self awaits

Your Most Courageous Self is a side of you that believes, wholeheartedly, in living a fully-alive life. She’s the inner bad-ass that’s ready for the joy-joy-joy at the same time that she’s sick of being on a leash, sick of watching a world in pain but feeling powerless to do anything to change it. She wants to go, do, experience. She’s sick of caring what anyone thinks or trying to figure out all the steps, in advance, or any other joy-killer. She’s ready to live a good life, and she understands that part of living a good life will mean looking at what’s uncomfortable: her own fear. systemic oppression. the ways that we condition ourselves to be quiet. the core wounds that drive her internalized Critic.


Most Courageous Self

My book, The Courage Habit is all about how we tap into what our Most Courageous Self wants, and then identify the fear-based habits that have held us back from getting there.

Does your Most Courageous Self want…more joy? to create a better world? a better marriage? a career that really lights you up?

Then your Most Courageous Self is going to need to see how to stop letting old, fear-based habits get in the way, and start practicing courage, instead. We’re talking about the kind of courage that helps you to stop endlessly people-pleasing, to speak up and out, to take proactive actions that lead to change in your life and that help others to change their lives.

Included in The Courage Habit book? Bonus materials that help you really do the work. Worksheets, audios, and more are available for all Courage Habit readers.


"I'm DONE!" and creating conscious joy


Access your courage; access the body