Kate Northrup & the courage to get your money house in order
How we use money is a reflection of how powerful we feel. Before a life coaching client begins working with me, I give them The Courageous Questions, a deep inquiry into who they are in the right-here, right-now. I ask about money on the pre-session questions. I want to know how they feel about it and what role it plays in a client's life. Sure, I'm asking in some part because I want to do the ethical thing and ensure that coaching is not going to be a strain that their finances simply can't take. I'm also wanting to get a bit of insight into their relationship to their own personal power.
When Money: A Love Story landed my way, I had been considering adding a money component to the Courageous Living Program. I realized that Kate's work was hugely powerful and that she would do a far better job of getting people to think about their relationship with money than I would, so I asked if she'd be part of the CLP and she agreed. Mmm-hmmm. That's right.
Take a few minutes to watch this piece of our interview, to get started--I'm asking Kate what to do when you decide that you're going to shift and act powerfully with money...and then the naysayers chime in to tell you that you aren't being realistic. How do you respond?